
Taskbar Color Windows 7

Taskbar Color Windows 7 Average ratng: 5,7/10 3964 reviews

Bored with the color of window’s border and it’s taskbar. It’s not compulsory that you should stick to the by default color of taskbar provided by Windows.

Taskbar Background Color Windows 7

Windows itself has provided the way to change the color of taskbar which will also change the window borders. In this article, we will discuss how you can change the color of your taskbar and give it a new appearance. So let us start with How to change Taskbar color in Windows 7? Steps to change taskbar color in Windows 7:Step 1: Go to your desktop screen and right click on the screen. Some options will pop out, and among them click on Personalize.Step 2: A Personalization window under control panel will be opened.

You can also reach to this window from S tart Control Panel Appearance and Personalization Personalization.Scroll down the window you will find a Window Color button at the bottom of the window as you can see in the image below. Click on Window Color button. Step 3: The above step will take you to the Window Color and Appearance section. Here, you will find the various colorful buttons which will let you change your taskbar color. For demonstration, I have chosen Lime color.You can observe that the window border has also became of lime color.Step 4: Scroll dow the window, you will find Enable transparency checkbox.

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As a first step, you should click on any empty space available on your desktop. Then, you should click on the ‘Personalize’ option visible on the screen. You should then click on ‘Windows Color and Appearance’ option. After that, you should simply press your fingers over ‘Open Classic Windows Properties’ item to view the properties of Windows 7. On doing so, you can view many options get displayed on the screen.


You should locate ‘Color Scheme’ from that group of items. You should then choose ‘Windows Aero’ from the list given under ‘Color Scheme’. Finally, you should get back to the desktop and see whether the issue gets resolved or not.