Call Hci From Soapui
BackgroundIn of this blog series, we looked at steps to trigger an IDoc from SAP ERP to HCI from the scratch using Basic Authentication.In, we looked at how to use IDoc Numbers to search for IDocs in HCI Message Monitoring.In, we looked at how to use Client Authentication aka Certificate Based Authentication when triggering IDocs from ERP to HCI.In Part 4 (this blog), we will look at how to trigger IDocs from HCI to SAP ERP using Basic Authentication. Configure SAP ERP Settingsin his blog has explained how you can use SOAP messages to send IDoc’s to a SAP ERP system.Well, guess what, the HCI IDoc adapter uses the same logic. Due credit to for his blog as that lays the foundation to understand how IDoc’s can be sent over SOAP protocol. Firstly, we will also look at some of the prerequisite that need to be taken care of on ECC to enable IDoc communication over SOAP Protocol.
ConfigurationScreenshot. Ensure SAP Note: 1487606 is implemented in your SAP ERP System.
In a I talked about writing webservices for Salesforce. In this post I’ll discuss how to test your webservice with without having to write any additional code.
Getting soapUIYou will need to install the Open Source version of soapUI from their. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Getting the WSDLsNow that you have soapUI installed we need to download our WSDLs. You’ll need the Enterprise WSDL which can be found at Setup-Develop-API. And you’ll need the WSDL for your webservice which can be found at Setup-Develop-Apex Classes, then find your class and click the WSDL link next to it. I suggest downloading them into a WSDL folder just for organization.
Setting up soapUINow that we’ve got all of our parts we need to create a new soapUI project. If you are testing multiple webservices I suggest you only create one soapUI project and import the additional webservices into it.
This will make updating the enterprise WSDL easier, and will make your life less stressful.Right-click on Projects and select New soapUI Project and fill out the form with your information. Your intial WSDL should be the enterprise WSDL. You will at the very least want to have Create Requests checked.
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You can choose the other later if you want to.After creating the new project you will see a section called SoapBinding with several methods below it. These are standard Salesforce methods that are provided by the Salesforce Enterprise WSDL.
Let’s ignore these for right now, and import our webservice. To add a new WSDL right-click on the project name, Salesforce in our case, and select Add WSDL.Then we want to choose our webservices WSDLUsing soapUINow that we are all setup, let’s test our webservice.
First we need to login to Salesforce and get our session Id. Under the SoapBinding list, expand login and choose Show Request Editor. After opening the request editor we need to remove the extra headers we don’t need, and fill in our username and password.Then press the “play” button to send the requestNow in the resulting XML we can pull out our session IdCopy the session Id and we will use it to make a request to our webservice. In the example below I am calling the search method on my CaseAPI. Again, we can remove almost all of the header out of the request. The only section we need to leave is the SessionHeader and SessionId.Then fill in the request to your webservice.
Wsdl Must Not Contain Wsrm Policies
This will all depend on how yours is designed. In the webservice call below, we pass in two context objects. One takes in an ssoName and the other takes in a searchString. Then as before click the “play” button and you’ll get your response back. ConclusionSoapUI is a great tool to help test webservices out.
Soap Adapter In Sap Hci
You can use it to build up tests, but that’s another post. I use it all of the time to verify that Salesforce is returning the correct data from my webservice instead of trying to write against the webservice and trying to determine if my client is messing up. Are your parameters generated when you generate the WSDL inside of SoapUI? If not, you’ll need to make sure that your inner class and all of the variables you want to be settable via SOAP are WebService instead of public.
If this is already the case, I will need to see both the SOAP request automatically generated by SoapUI and the code that generates your WebService.You can feel free to continue the conversation here, or continue it on IRC in the #salesforce channel. There my nick is “pcon”.Pingback:. This can be caused by a couple of problems.1) If you are trying to access a sandbox, you will need to make sure your URL at the top is to test.salesforce not login.salesforce2) If you are trying to access this from an IP that is not in your whitelisted domain then you will need to use password + token (without the + symbol) or by adding your current external IP address to your organizations trusted IPs. 13) It could be that you typo’d either your username, password or you have an old/incorrect token.1. Hi,I am getting following error while logging in:LOGINMUSTUSESECURITYTOKEN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. Are you at a new location? When accessing Salesforce–either via a desktop client or the API–from outside of your company’s trusted networks, you must add a security token to your password to log in.
To get your new security token, log in to Salesforce. From your personal settings, enter Reset My Security Token in the Quick Find box, then select Reset My Security Token.