O Que E Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
Serial number toefl genius online. I just decided to Google this topic and found this thread.I do understand how the Microsoft Visual C Library system works and how each release has a different library that is stored side by side with the other releases. I also have the same Win. Version & may have even more of these MSFT Visual C (different years) Redistributable updates packs then even 'totaljunk1234567' has. I know all are not needed & am thinking about uninstalling all but thefew essential ones if only Microsoft would release that information to me as the current way they are handled just uses up valuable resources on my Trading PC.
Is it possible that Microsoft would dare release this info. To the end user so I could trimoff some of this fat? should just be included in the 'Installed Updates' next to all the.NET stuff and NOT in the 'Programs and Features.' Programs and Features should really be used for programs the USER installs - not 20 variants of libraries that Windows needs to run those programs!!!Those were my thoughts before I found this thread.
It's sloppy and I'm practically a fanboy by usage, but it looks at best unprofessional, duct taped & dismissed long-forgotten,or someone missed the the damned memo again. If there is a 'Control Panel Team', the minimalists and type-As in the group had to have either left, lept from a bridge, or gone mad, so it's obviously up to a high-level exec to interject or has it been tidied-upor moved/hidden in Win8?Bottom-line, it would save money because it would cease to be a support issue every time a novice (& many pros) knows just enough to go bowling in 'Program/Features' inan effort to make room on a full hard drive. If somewhat savvy users can't resist plucking a few off the full-page-needs-a-scroll list, it must generate a steady flow of support traffic from the typical user, &bottom line #2: it looks like shit soget rid of it.
Dear God, someone with a brain. Thanks for articulating the obvious. The mess that is the Windows OS is incredibly unwieldy. Your suggestion is great, simple common sense.
And I'm not sure it would have to be such a monstrously large update. Adding upall the MS Visual items in my list (there are 12 of them on my computer), comes to just over 38 MB (with 29MB just in the two 2010 files). If you're replacing all these files with one SP update, why should that take up any more space than it does already?In fact, one would think there would be an economy in eliminating redundancies across the 12 files. I agree with this assessment! There needs to be a separate program loaded to cover all Microsoft Visual C Updates and/or Installs of a New Program that is installed. That is what the main Window of the Program List is used for New Installs the User choosesto Install not for vital Installed Updates the Computer needs to Operate, that needs to be placed with Installed Updates and the.NET programs and updates.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Windows 10
It does seem like there should be a Program of Microsoft Visual C Updates that covers any and allUpdates for any given Program install or that maybe installed in the future. I like the idea of making a Single Microsoft Visual C ROLLUP Service Pack of 2005 - 2010 Libraries to cover all the installed programs and this would take upless space and better use the space that is being taken up by all the separate C Programs in the Programs and Features list that should be used only for Installed Programs by the User. That one update should just be included in the 'InstalledUpdates' next to all the.NET updates and installs and not in the 'Programs and Features List.' It sure would clean up the Programs and Features List and make it easier to read and locate things that are not needed to operate the Computer and to me thisgoes for any and all vital Installed Updates that the Computer needs to operate does not need to be placed there either. The way it is now it makes it easy to Delete a Program/Update that is vital and necessary for the Computer to run properly by accidentand once that happens whatever that C update/program covered would no longer operate properly. Thanks for allowing me the space to voice my opinion on this subject.