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When most people start learning about Ansible, they begin by downloading a pre-baked playbook from Ansible Galaxy. Admittedly, it's a wonderful resource for accomplishing elaborate tasks with minimal effort. And, although I'm normally a big fan of learning by picking apart the work of others, in the case of Ansible, starting with roles and playbooks can be a big mistake.
The ad hoc mode of Ansible is so powerful, it's all some people ever need.For example, let's say you need to install Firefox on a lab full of Linux workstations. There are a few ways you could accomplish the task. You could SSH into each workstation one by one and type. Sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install firefox ( type 'y' when asked about dependencies )exitYou could make that a one-liner by adding a few semicolons: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install firefox; exitBut that still requires a login to each computer. So assuming you have SSH keys set up, and sudo without password, you could write a quick Bash script to do this on the entire lab.
Note: This is how I did my job for 20 years. Bash scripts were like the Swiss Army Knife of the sysadmin world.The only preliminary work required is a simple group definition of what the 'cadlab' group consists of based on hostnames or IP addresses. And that group definition is simply a text file with a list of those IP addresses!Don't get me wrong—Ansible playbooks are incredibly powerful, and they can accomplish amazing things. If you need to create configuration files, execute commands based on conditional statements, or build a multi-step installation process, playbooks are the perfect vehicles.
But for day-to-day operations on multiple servers, I find myself using Ansible constantly. The ad hoc mode is often overshadowed by playbooks and roles, but it is a powerful tool that can be fully implemented in minutes. So if you're interested in Ansible, don't skip over the ad hoc features it provides. Most days, they're all I use! For more discussion on open source and the role of the CIO in the enterprise, join us at.The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or of Red aspires to publish all content under a but may not be able to do so in all cases.
Shawn Powers Linux Essentials Download Full
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UpstartI have been using Linux now for more years than I can remember and I have been used, for many of those years, to the System V init daemon and scripts. Since 2009 Ubuntu have been converting their services to use Upstart. This has been a feature of Ubuntu 6.10 later and Fedora 9 and later.
With this process configuration files are created in the /etc/init directory and these files maintain, if you like, the configuration of the service startup through “start on” and “stop on” stanzas. We no longer require the symlinks in the rc directories to control autostart of a service. We also can leave chkconfig, insserv and service behind and in this video we will show you how it all come together.For the admin /sbin/initctl can take the place of chkconfig and service in the original Sys V systems that we have been used to.